If you’re looking to step up your game to boost your brand’s presence, then video marketing is the perfect way to do it. Having an effective video marketing strategy is the key.

Businesses are always trying different ways to attract new customers, increase brand awareness, and grow their popularity. Developing a video marketing strategy has proven to be one of the most effective ways to sway the consumer decision-making process. 

In our highly competitive world, it is harder than ever to grab people’s attention. Consumers want information as quickly as possible and won’t stay for long for ads that they’ve seen a million times. You have to create a unique video marketing strategy that shows your audience something different and sets your brand apart from the competition.

7 Brands With Iconic Video Marketing Strategies and Why They Work

The best way to create a successful video marketing strategy is to learn from the biggest and most iconic brands out there. See how you can use videos to successfully market your business and increase brand awareness.

1. Apple

A table with Apple devices

The use of mobile devices such as smartphones has become an essential part of people’s lives and with so many brands out there, the competition is known to be one of the largest in any industry.

Yet despite this, Apple remains on top in both popularity and quality. Apple is well known for using its video marketing strategy which focuses heavily on showcasing its innovative features and simplistic design. They use different types of videos to market themselves. Some of the best examples are their “Think Different” ad and their showcase of the App Store on iPhone. Two videos with completely different intentions. One to build an inspirational image and the other to advertise a product. 

Apple puts great effort to emphasize the unique aspects of its products and of the company. This sets them apart and helps them reach iconic status in some of the world’s fiercest markets. 

The power that Apple has over the consumer decision-making process was achieved through its efforts in utilizing video ads to increase brand awareness, cementing its place as a pillar in the tech industry.

2. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola has been leading the soft drink market for decades now. They’ve been around since 1892 and still remain the most popular soda brand. 

Coca-Cola’s video marketing strategy aims to associate its products with the concepts of festivity and fun. You may notice that for the longest time, Coke has been the go-to beverage for most occasions. This has greatly influenced the consumer decision-making process. They’ve successfully created global marketing campaigns and video ads that show people enjoying their products during parties, festivals, and with friends. 

Coca-Cola keeps up with the current times by continuously trying new ways to market itself. The company has gained an even greater boost in popularity with the huge success of Coke Studio, an ambitious campaign that uses the popularity of the brand and the power of video advertising to promote local artists. Coke Studio has received positive feedback from the public, especially on Youtube and local television.

3. Under Armour 

Under Armour is one of the most popular sports apparel brands, they are well known worldwide for their high-quality clothing and footwear. Their approach to marketing is to have some of the world’s finest athletes in their video commercials and advertisements. The brand has gone to great lengths to reach across boundaries to increase brand awareness and connect people from every sport. 

The Outside-Collective team has worked with Under Armour in the past to take on a challenge to create an inspirational video that showcases the talents of youth while promoting their line of products. We used video marketing to create a connection with their audience by taking an in-depth view of the importance of hard work and persistence in sports.

4. Old Spice 

If you know about Old Spice, it’s probably because you’ve seen their iconic commercials featuring Terry Crews and Isaiah Mustafa. Many people would say that Old Spice produces some of the most fun and memorable video advertisements ever. 

Old Spice’s video marketing strategy is to produce creative ads that promote a specific product. For example, Terry Cruz promotes the Old Spice product Bearglove, which caters to men, while Isaiah Mustafa advertises the product Swagger, which is aimed toward women.

Old Spice commercials are wacky, crazy, and unique, which helps their brand sway the consumer decision-making process. People can usually recognize their products from seeing their ads on television and online platforms like Youtube.

5. Netflix

Most people are already well aware of the video streaming service, Netflix. The brand has become a huge success worldwide, garnering over 200 million subscribers.

Since Netflix offers a huge array of exclusive shows, they often use trailers to promote different series while advertising their service at the same time. They use their most popular titles to get people invested and convince them to sign up for their streaming service.

Netflix is not the only company that uses exclusivity to market itself. Almost all TV channels and other video streaming platforms do the same. What makes Netflix stand out is its ability to make big and ambitious deals to produce high-quality shows and films that grab people’s attention. They create eye-catching trailers for their exclusive series to increase brand awareness and boost the brand’s popularity.

6. Nike 

Nike has always been focused on creating inspirational, motivational, and relatable advertisements that leave a great impact on the audience. “Just Do It” is the slogan for their brand which many of us associate with Nike’s image. 

Nike uses video marketing as a way to communicate, connect and engage with audiences. They use the power of storytelling in their ads to share the real-life journeys of some great athletes and ordinary people around the world.

Nike has successfully built up an image as a brand that supports a greater cause, focusing on sending a message first. This approach has affected their consumer decision-making process. Now people everywhere see Nike as one of the most iconic brands ever.

7. GoPro

GoPro is a popular brand that is well-known for selling compact, durable, high-quality cameras. GoPro’s reputation has gotten a huge boost in the past decade for marketing its products as a unique way to see the world. 

GoPro cameras are usually meant to be mounted on places like your bike, helmet, or even on your pet. The brand advertises the many diverse features of its products. GoPro’s unique POV camera angle is what appeals to most people and seals the deal in the consumer decision-making process.  

A woman using Go Pro


There are so many more creative ways you can use video marketing to advertise your products and increase brand awareness. Now that you have some ideas from the most popular and successful brands, start creating your own video marketing strategy. Once you’re able to do that, you can guarantee your success.