Getting the interest of your target audience is quite a struggle. No matter how meaningful and world-changing your short video ideas may be unless you make a strategic video pitch, you’re not bringing the bacon home.

When trying to make a pitch on your idea, using visual representations is the most effective and persuasive method. However, the catch is, that you only have a few seconds to capture the interest of the potential licensees. Their attention span is quick to fade with each passing second so you better make an impact real quick!

If you try to study the history of video production, you’ll be amazed at how making video for sales has evolved greatly. From making visual aids out of hand-drawn concepts to graphic illustrations that feature the creative content of your ideas, it sure did take a tough journey. Frankly, these sell sheets have not lost their value but in a technology-driven world where everything is shifting to a digitized setup, armoring up with a video for sales is the best choice to make.

Here are some powerful tips on creating a winning video pitch for your creative ideas.

Video Production
Video Production

How to Turn Your Idea Into a Strategic Video

It’s easy to get lost on how to make a powerful video for sales so these are some producers-approved hacks to help you sail across the stormy sea of videography.

1. Brainstorming is key.

The starting point of your short video ideas is brainstorming. The heart of every digitized visual presentation is a concept. Prepare a systematic and well-thought storyboard to bring life to your ideas. Be purposeful and ask yourself these relevant questions:

“What am I trying to say?”
“Who is my target audience?”

“What am I trying to achieve?”

Start your video pitch with the end goal in mind. Write out as many ideas as you can and filter out what needs to be retained. Your creative juice does not come out all at once in one squeezing, so keep brainstorming till you and your team are satisfied!

2. KISS – Keep It Short and Simple.

You have to literally keep it short – being concise means you are cautious and considerate of your target audience’s time. Keeping it simple also attracts a greater audience and makes your vision more sellable. Thus, the cliche adage less is more!

3. Prepare to monetize your vision.

Digitizing your short video ideas requires you to transform those unique and priceless thoughts into clips that are understandable to others. You have to make a clear picture out of your vision and be able to allow others to reach the same thoughts as you.

Selling your vision has something to do with creating engagements with your audience through your video pitch. You have succeeded in selling your vision when someone from outside your team, an outsider per se, has clearly understood whatever it is that you are trying to convey or accomplish.

4. Show a unique story.

Prepare a well-crafted and beautifully written storyboard. Your video script will make up for the lapses in visual presentations. The screenplay will naturally fill the gaps and voids in the video pitch.

Identify your audience.

To whom are you aiming to connect? Try to come up with short video ideas that will resonate with them. The goal is to make them respond to your video – awakened and driven to act based on their realization.

What is your message?

It is impossible to have a goal without having a message to deliver. For instance, you want your target audience to try this new product out. What are the specific innovations to the old products? How can you set it apart from the others? What are its key features and functionalities?

Cite the problem that needs a solution.

In your clip, there should be a portion where the problem is shown. Definitely, this is where your short video ideas came from. This problem should be addressed by whatever it is that you are advertising or promoting. The tip is to cite the problem for just around ten seconds at the maximum.

Prepare your call to action.

Naturally, you want your audience to respond to your visual clip. That is where your call-to-action enters the picture. Make them want to act and move. Ensure to craft a focused message to deliver and focus on the perspective of the viewers more than on your own marketing needs. 

5. Connect the dots.

Prepare a Storyboard

Your storyboard consists of different concepts that should ideally be connected altogether for coherence and should be serving the same purpose as well. Everything is connected to something. Being able to identify the paths of connectivity for these individually awesome ideas is a skill learned over time. As you grow and mature in creating a video pitch by connecting the dots, your core ideas today might just be the next big thing in the future.

6. Do it on purpose.

Be purposeful in your pursuit to achieve small and big things alike. Your intentions must be pure and must serve a great mission, and not only to make a video for sales. If you have successfully aligned all your unique ideas along the way towards a common goal, your audience is sure to comprehend whatever it is you want to accomplish. When you are purposeful, your passion is fueled up to the brim and your journey becomes more bearable and meaningful.

7. Always strive to be better.

Do not be complacent with whatever you have already achieved. Remember that there is always room for improvement. Be willing to take constructive criticisms on your outputs – from the skeletal storyboard era to the final video for sales. Improve your creative storytelling.  Ask for feedback from time to time. It makes you become better – both professionally and personally.

Your short video ideas are priceless and transforming them into a strategic video requires pure hard work and a purposeful message. Focus on the end result with the goal in mind. Now that you are aware of these easy tips, carry them inside your sleeves. You’ll be amazed at how you’ll be able to start making more revenues, and eventually, see your business expand and grow.