When you are new to the world of business, it can be a huge struggle to introduce yourself to the public and establish a good image. Luckily in this modern world, there are corporate videos that can present just about every type of feature you would like to market. The best corporate videos take advantage of online platforms and are much more effective at bringing consumers than other forms of media. If you use platforms like YouTube, you’re bound to run into a few marketing ads or two!

With so many ways to present your business, corporate video production can be a creative and versatile endeavor. It is a fun and exciting way to achieve connections with audiences. Many businesses today are using corporate videos as one of their effective means of marketing. Given its success in our modern day, it’s easy to see why. These same businesses have developed successful strategies in the form of video types, all of which have their own function.

The Importance of Knowing Corporate Video Types

If you are a business owner, marketing is an essential skill to learn. From images to websites, to posters, and flyers, there are countless ways to get your product noticed. Video content, however, is the one form of advertising that internet users can’t get enough of. Being oriented to the myriad of corporate video types will definitely elevate your marketing game and make your life easier. 

With good corporate video production, you can be able to introduce your brand, promote your image, recruit new workers, give tutorials, and so much more. With that much potential in your hands, it is all a matter of choosing the best corporate videos suited for your marketing needs.

Corporate Video Production

8 Great Corporate Video Types

The best corporate videos are the ones that are best suited for the situation. There are so many ways to come about your video marketing goals and knowing these specific layouts are great for leveling up your corporate video production. Without further ado, here are our eight different video content formats for marketing!

1. Company Profile

Need a quick way to introduce your new startup? A company profile video is the right tool for the job. This type of video marketing format focuses on the general aspects of your business and provides emphasis on who you are and what you do. This is a great way of exposing you to new potential consumers by giving them a glimpse of your products and services. 

2. Promotional

If your goal is to go in-depth with your specific product or service, a promotional video is a good format to pick for your corporate video production. Being commonly seen in several different mediums like television broadcasts and social platforms, this type of content is effective for gaining attention from consumers whenever a new product arises. It is also useful for attaining the recognition of your brand; sometimes in an entertaining manner.

3. Explainer

The best corporate videos are the ones that present information in a clear and effective manner. The explainer video is one of those corporate video types that is highly optimized for this necessity. Unlike the aforementioned promotional video, this format focuses less on advertising and more on sharing ideas, goals, and procedures to enlighten the viewers.

4. Recruitment and Training

Behind every great company is a great set of workers. The purpose of recruitment videos is to bring in new skilled and talented individuals to your workplace by giving them a peek at how the overall system operates. By presenting the company’s culture and work ethic, it can attract the attention of potential workers with the same goal and mindset.

Training videos take it a step further. They focus on going in-depth with procedures in order to teach and inform newcomers. They can also be used for tutorials, protocols, and safety precautions.

5. Testimonials

A great way to establish trust and respect with your audience in a convincing manner is by presenting your testimonials. In corporate video production, testimonial videos are responsible for compiling positive feedback from both customers and employees; capturing all of their comments on the film. With praises coming from so many different individuals, these are one of the best corporate videos for solidifying your company’s reputation. 

6. Event Showcase

It’s always a great idea to capture your company’s memorable events through corporate video production. It is an exciting way to showcase the business’ way of handling corporate events like training programs and conferences to leisure events like team-building activities and celebrations. This type of video can also be used for recruitment and client-gaining purposes. 

7. Documentaries

We all have a good story to tell, and one that belongs to a successful company is usually the most inspiring. Corporate documentaries are one of the most engaging corporate video types because they can feature people who have been with the company for a long period of time to talk about their humble beginnings and rise to success. 

Documentaries encapsulate accounts from these important individuals through the art of video storytelling, forming one grand narrative that potential consumers and aspiring professionals can enjoy. 

8. Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility videos are one way of showing how your company contributes to social, economic, or environmental endeavors. Whether it would be through charity work, volunteerism, foundations, or go-green activities, this type of video shows that your business wants to work for the good of all mankind. 

Shooting a testimonial video

The Final Cut

After being oriented with the different corporate video types, what comes next? As versatile as the endeavor is, it is important to note that the best corporate videos are usually the ones that break expectations; something totally new. With these formats as your guide, they can help you orient your marketing game to suit your ideal purpose. 

Nowadays, the average internet user prefers content that is both engaging and insightful. A good video production crew would know how they would craft advertisements in a way that meets these needs. Meet the Outside Collective, a team of competent individuals who specialize in video production services. Be sure to contact us for assistance with your own corporate video production!