Video-based content has quickly become the most effective strategy for reaching your desired audience. Mainstream social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook have shifted their focus to largely video marketing. Videos are more entertaining and easier to follow for the general consumer because they grab the viewer’s attention. The algorithms will usually prioritize video content because it draws in more engagement. Hence, working with a professional videographer is important especially if you only want the best results.

This is also why it’s more likely to have a successful marketing strategy if you incorporate high-quality video into your regular content. The easiest way to ensure that you’ll consistently get the best video production is to hire a professional videographer.

Companies that use high-quality video find that revenue grows 49% faster compared to those that don’t. So choose the right option for your business, and invest in the best video production you can possibly get. Here are the reasons why you should choose a professional videographer for your next project.

A professional videographer and musician on set

5 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Videographer

1. Professional, high-end equipment

It’s no industry secret that producing videos takes a lot of time, skill, and money. Just the equipment you’ll need to make a high-quality video can cost you thousands of dollars already. 

You can’t really replace professional equipment, because no amount of post-processing will save a bad-quality video. Recording on cheap devices or trying to D.I.Y. with smartphones can result in shaky, low-resolution videos that will reflect badly on your brand. These might be good for short-form videos or reels that might benefit from a more casual, intimate feel with the audience. For promotional videos, films, or commercials, though, doing it yourself usually isn’t a good idea.

Hiring a professional videographer can spare you from having to spend a lot upfront on brand-new equipment. These film companies or teams will already have their own tools to create quality work for you and your business. It’s also more beneficial for them to use their own equipment because they’ll already be familiar with them and can handle them with expertise. It’s a win-win situation for both parties to be more comfortable with the job at hand.

The rates of video production range from $2,000-7,000, depending on the work you need to be done and the person you hire for the job. This isn’t even factoring in the location fees, production crew costs, and other overhead costs. Many video production companies will often offer packages or discounts so you can get the best value for your money.

2. Experience and skill

Producing videos takes a lot of work. It’s an art form in and of itself. You’re not just paying for the end product, but for the whole process and manpower that goes into it: and it takes a village to create a good video from scratch.

It’s not a one-man job, and there are a lot of issues that can arise on the day of shooting. Experienced videographers will know how to handle any last-minute problems that arise. They’ll exert the appropriate damage control to minimize them. Teams will usually have a set workflow that they’re comfortable and practiced with already. This will let them do their jobs more quickly and efficiently in order to make use of everyone’s time for the project. 

A good video production team should always be diverse and well-rounded. Each sub-task and assignment should be delegated according to the member’s specific skillset. An amateur might take a while to successfully deliver a high-quality video from start to finish, which can be attributed to a lack of experience and quality control. There are a lot of film techniques that can take months or years to master. This is what makes a professional team invaluable. They’re already equipped with the knowledge and skills to carry these tasks out with ease.

3. Efficiency

Hiring a professional team is the easiest way to complete your project with the best video production possible. It saves you priceless amounts of time and prevents you from stressing out too much or spending a lot of money. With a professional video production company, you can rely on them to deliver high-quality content for your business without doing too much yourself.

Trying to figure out everything on your own is very time-consuming. The best video production requires a ton of planning, scheduling, outsourcing, and preparation. This is done before the actual shooting and editing even start, just to make sure things go smoothly. So leave it to the team to lay everything out, and trust the professionals to do what’s best according to your brand strategy.

4. More manpower    

For projects as complicated as video production, teamwork is definitely needed if you want an output that meets your business standards. If you hire established professionals to produce your content, it’s a given that they’ll know how to work together to achieve an excellent outcome.

You’ll be able to have more people on hand to run set errands, accomplish tasks, and work pre-and-post production. Not only will this free up time for you to focus on other tasks, but it also translates to a faster and more efficient workflow for everyone involved.

5. Branding and reputation

Communication is key here between you and your team. All you need is a clear branding strategy from the start and a concrete plan on how to execute it on video. As long as this is out of the way, you won’t encounter any problems with putting across your message in video format.

A high-quality video will do wonders for your brand image and identity. It will set a higher standard for your public profile, products or services, and overall reputation. No one wants to see a business putting out mediocre promotional content. All it does is paint you in a bad light, and discourage people from following you or finding out more about the business.

Unless you cater to a very specific niche, chances are you’re competing in a very saturated market. The simplest way to stand out is to invest in the best video production you can buy, with the help of seasoned professionals that know what’s best for you and your brand.


A professional videographer holding his camera

At The Outside Collective, we believe that video is key to business growth. Contact us to hire from our professional videographer team and make your vision come to life.