One of the best ways to promote your brand is through video marketing. If you are skeptical of how video content can help your business and in growing your brand, look no further than tech giants who are consistently producing content even with their already massive following. Even small brands can rake in better sales when they invest in producing good content.

And yes, ads are one of the most popular types of content, after all, we intend to “advertise” our business. But it’s not limited to the traditional content you see on commercial breaks. When creating video content, the sky’s the limit with all the ways you can present your brand. All you need is a creative production crew, and your company’s vision can be translated to the general public.

A creative production crew

Reasons to Invest in video content

Here we list down the main advantages of producing your own content and investing in video marketing as a way of growing your brand and boosting sales for your business.

1. Brand awareness and exposure

This is the main reason of course, as you want people to get to know your brand. Especially if you are just a startup or a new business, forming a great video content strategy will be a great way to introduce your brand to the public. With video content, you can be creative and if you are unique enough, you can get people’s attention.

The internet is free to market anything, and if you want to make your brand’s presence known, why not make it in the best form: video. In creating video content, especially in social media like TikTok or YouTube, you have a higher chance of generating higher engagement, and in turn, word of mouth for your brand. If you could take a stronghold of your social media presence, you might even establish a huge following online. You can even have a better grasp of buyer attention that video analytics can provide.

2. Helps customers understand your brand

You don’t want to just let them know your business, you want them to know what your brand is about. More than brand awareness, video content is also a great platform to let the public get to know your brand even better. You can highlight the values that you uphold in meaningful ways, or show the value you can offer to them.

When you just write to them, let’s admit it, it’s more difficult to compel most regular customers or everyday users to finish reading through your entire text. Written content is not bad, blogging is also a great tool but if you complement it with a great video content strategy and manage to produce creative content, people are more likely to stay through your entire explanation because they are also entertained.

It’s also a clever way of differentiating yourself from competitors. See how many traditional ads are comparing their products or services with other companies. And how do they achieve this purpose best? Through video ads.

3. Higher retention among people

Not only must you let your business be known, but you also want brand affinity. It means that people can recall your brand and not just something they saw in passing. They are able to better remember a funny or unique clip they see. You are more likely to remember a funny or sad story you have watched, just think of your favorite movies or series episodes. So why not take full advantage of all the opportunities that come with a full visual experience that only video content can offer. (Bonus if you also appeal to human emotions).

Furthermore, if you intend to create informational videos, you are more likely to instill your message to your customers when you have a good video content strategy. You can enlist the help of well-known personalities for added effect, like vloggers or influencers, or adapt to their styles, like creating unboxing videos, tutorial clips, or in a vlog format.

4. Emphasizes your authority in the field

If you are growing your brand, you not only want customers to know or remember you, but you also want them to trust you. When you have a solid video content strategy, your audiences will know that your brand is serious and that you really mean business.

Creating video content establishes brand authority, and it informs the viewers that you are knowledgeable in the field of your business. For example, if you are a brand specializing in cosmetics, you should really communicate how well-versed you are when it comes to makeup trends and styles.

Moreover, creating video content provides an avenue to demonstrate how passionate you are in your line of business. And it will be easier to earn the respect of people. Big brands go for it (see Apple’s YouTube channel) and they invest in multimedia content even though they are already well-established among the general public. It’s because they want to position themselves as an authority in their respective fields. Plus these brands don’t want to lose their credibility that good content (in addition to having a great business model) helps instill in their customers.

5. You rank better in search results

If you are looking for something, say in Google, have you noticed that most top results have video content? That’s because these types of content help your brand boost your ranking in search results in search engines. 

In search engines like Google, websites that are considered authority (refer to the previous item) are likely to rank higher in search results. Search ranking orders are not random–search engines determine this through several factors, like relevance, site speed, and of course, if you have related video content. This is why SEO (search engine optimization) is really helpful in helping you rank better when people search for relevant topics.

Videos have higher chances of generating a better click-through rate (or when users click on your website). Often this translates to higher traffic, which search engines will consider more relevant and therefore even help you rank higher. You get increased engagement which eventually translates to sales and increased revenue, further growing your brand.

Editing a video content


As you see, having a good video content strategy is necessary for sustaining business growth, as content helps boost engagement, solidifies brand affinity and awareness, and results in higher traffic and conversion into sales. You are more likely to succeed in growing your brand if you start producing your own content and investing in video marketing.

If you’re worried about how to start and if you want to start it off right, or maybe you have experienced producing multimedia content before, don’t be afraid to hire a professional video crew like us so all you have to worry about is your business, while we take care of your video content strategy, specifically tailored to your brand’s needs and preference.